If I become a host, do I need to constantly have a room available for potential requests?
No, it’s enough to just express your wish to become a host and a part of our Solidarity Community and we will enter your details into our database – we will always check your availability to host when we get a new request. You will be the one who ultimately decides whether you are able to offer accommodation.
How can I become a host?
If you represent a unit, such as a hotel, motel or flat, we invite you to tick the “Accommodation” option of our “Offer Help” section. A representative of the M.A.M.E. Association will contact you to discuss the details of our partnership.
What happens if I signed a partnership, but at the time of a request I am no longer able to offer accommodation?
Being a member of the Solidarity Community does not involve any obligation to offer accommodation if you are unable to offer it at any particular time. We will always check the availability of this with you before booking. Together for Health is a platform that brings together lots of kind people like yourself, which means there are several people we can ask when you are not available. To be a member of this community simply means to be willing to help, when you can.
Will I be able to donate medication if I am not a pharmaceutical company?
Yes, medication can be donated by private individuals, provided they are within sell by dates and have been kept according to storage conditions mentioned on the label.
Are there any hidden costs behind the services offered through the platform, the M.A.M.E. Association or its partners?
The services offered through the platform are completely free of charge, with the exception of accommodation for which the host set their preferred fee. Hosts can choose whether to offer free accommodation or for a small fee, but we will be transparent about the costs at the time of your request.
How can I access help through the platform?
You must fill in the form available under the “Request help” section and try to give as much information as you can about your specific need. A representative of the M.A.M.E. Association will contact you as soon as possible to discuss the best way to assist you.
I need money. How can you help?
The M.A.M.E. Association funds are exclusively directed toward covering psycho-socio-medical services that we offer to children and young people diagnosed with serious health conditions. We therefore have no available resources to cover other financial needs on an individual basis. However, we can assist people with these situations by offering consultancy in raising funds and allocating a number that they can use to raise funds via text/SMS.